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Conference paper information

Study of innovative business models for using the flexibility in the electricity demand of large desalination plants as a tool for lower energy costs

M. Papapetrou, P. Frías

Desalination for Clean Water and Energy - EuroMed 2015, Palermo (Italy). 10-14 May 2015

Keywords: desalination plants, electricity demand flexibility, energy costs, business models, renewable energy variability

Publication date: 2015-05-10.

M. Papapetrou, P. Frías, Study of innovative business models for using the flexibility in the electricity demand of large desalination plants as a tool for lower energy costs, Desalination for Clean Water and Energy - EuroMed 2015, Palermo (Italy). 10-14 May 2015.

    Research topics:
  • *Smart Grids

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